Today’s next-gen digital marketing space has opened a ton of new and exciting ways to market our brands and products.  

But, with the increased number of opportunities comes the need to track an increased number of metrics. 

And it can easily become quite overwhelming for us to keep an eye on all metrics like organic traffic, rank changes, keywords, etc. 

Also, we must understand how these numbers look in the broader context when benchmarked against competitors. 

If not, then you’re most probably managing your organic marketing blindfolded. 

Fortunately, there’s a metric that shows you exactly that: your place in the market. 

As a marketer, the share of voice in SEO is a superb starting point to understand how well your brand is performing against competition.  

Below, we’ll discuss more about SEO share of voice and find a few pro tips to improve the overall share of voice and brand visibility through organic marketing. 

So, what is SEO Share of Voice? 

SEO Share of Voice is the measure of your market’s total estimated search traffic going to your website. 

The higher your share of voice, the more traffic your website is generating from organic search. This indicates your website is ranking on top of the organic search results for industry-relevant keywords. 

On the contrary, if your website is not getting enough traffic from search engines, it is because your website is not ranking well in the SERPs. Thus, your SEO Share of Voice will be low when compared to your competitors. 

Why does Share of Voice matter in SEO? 

Knowing your SEO share of voice is a great place to start figuring out your website’s position for a set of keywords of your choice. 

This metric shows where you rank currently, where your competitors are ranking, why top-ranking competitors are ranking high on SERPs, where you should be, and how you can get there.  

How to measure share of voice in SEO? 

The simple formula to manually calculate your share of voice for organic search is: 

Total Organic Traffic / Search Volume X 100 = Organic Share of Voice 

Though, manual measurement of the organic share of voice can be a little complex.  

However, you can quickly achieve this by using top SEO tools that automatically scan and compare your search visibility on relevant high-performing keywords against competitors. 

First, you need a list of the most relevant keywords for your niche. Simply put, these keywords get the maximum clicks for a particular topic. Then paste this list into a tool like the ALPS Share of Voice tool and in the overview tab, you will get a complete view of your organic search share of voice. 

This provides an insight into the share of all traffic from the relevant keywords you tracked that landed on each web page. Make use of this data to figure out if you have any gaps in your visibility on key topics for your industry and focus on where you need to improve your competitive research efforts. 

How does measuring your SEO share of voice benefit your business? 

Knowing your brand’s organic share of voice help you see the bigger picture and figure out where your brand fits into it. It adds context to your performance data, enabling you to find opportunities for growth and improvement. 

There are a few primary areas where measuring the SEO share of voice can immensely benefit your business, like: 

Improves return on investment 

Finding the right user intent and search demand for your niche is the key to the success of your organic marketing endeavors. The organic share of voice helps you figure out every relevant keyword you can target to get a significant return on your investment, whether time, capital, or content creation efforts 

Clear understanding of improvement opportunities 

From unlocking short and long-term opportunities to gaining insights into which topical areas your website is performing well and the areas it is not, this will help inform your content and backlink strategies 

Simplifies competitor rank tracking 

With the help of organic share of voice measurement, you can easily follow the trends in competitor rank movements to gain a clear understanding of the market dynamics and act towards gaining better visibility and capturing more market share 

Improves overall marketing efforts 

Now when you’ve gathered enough insights by benchmarking your website’s SEO Share of Voice against competitors, you will have a clearer idea of how to boost your site’s SEO performance and eventually improve the overall marketing efforts 

Deep dive: Use ALPS organic Share of Voice to Improve your SEO efforts  

Mainly, businesses and marketers tend to see organic Share of Voice as a performance reporting metric to analyze their overall SEO performance regularly. But, with the right strategy and tools, you can do much more than that! Tools like the ALPS Share of Voice not only let you measure the performance of your SEO program over time but also enables you to plan and strategize your keywords and content to ensure rank and traffic improvements. Here are a few crucial things on how improve your overall SEO efforts by measuring organic share of voice within this tool: 

  • Automatically and comprehensively analyze your SEO performance across any number of competitors to get a clear understanding of your position against competitors and provides actionable insights on user intent and search demand for rank and traffic improvements 
  • Helps you find all relevant keywords targeted by your high-ranking competitors, enabling you to take actions based on the findings to gain better visibility and capture more market share 
  • Automatically help you uncover all categories, sub-categories, and themes where you have low or zero share of voice so that you can focus on the right improvement areas where you are losing
  • With tens of thousands of keywords available, you don’t have to miss out on any keywords relevant to your niche or the ones your competitors are driving traffic for
  • You can easily identify rank and traffic opportunities for every category, sub-category, or theme relevant to your industry
  • Uncover all category-wise share of voice so that you do not miss out on any opportunity that your niche has to offer 

Category-wise Share of Voice

While analyzing the overall Share of Voice Report is a great way to strategize your SEO efforts, it still does not give you the in-depth picture of the competitive landscape. Why?

Because the results can vary from category to category. Therefore, you must analyze the Category-wise Share of Voice, which not only help you understand the overall search demand and competitive analysis, but it also helps you uncover granular insights into each keyword category within that theme.

For each keyword category, ALPS gives you insights into the competitors that are winning that particular category, the total traffic they are receiving, and the keywords driving that traffic for them.

By analyzing the category-wise Share of Voice feature, you can determine what your target audience is searching for in every keyword category around your core topic and understand which competitors are winning in those categories.

Final Thoughts 

SEO Share of Voice is one of the critical competitive metrics every website owner must look into to increase their organic traffic. 

You can start by calculating the SEO Share of Voice manually. But if you want to get the most out of your SEO strategy, ALPS Share of Voice is a great tool to measure the Share of Voice of your website and competitors. It not only allows you to check the performance of your SEO program, but it also allows you to strategize your SEO research process at scale. The tool lets you identify user intent, search demand, monitor keyword performance, and track ranking positions over time to estimate your potential ROI before taking the deep dive into your SEO investments. 

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