Are you tired of gazing at a blank screen, desperately looking for inspiration for your next piece of unique content? Enter ChatGPT, that claims to revolutionize how content writers create content.

But does it really deliver on its promises?

With its proficiency in generating text based on prompts and engaging in interactive conversations, ChatGPT has sparked a lively debate among writers and creatives.

As a professional content writer, I’ll share my experience using ChatGPT in this article and find out whether it can really produce unique and engaging content for readers. We’ll also look at a real-life example to understand how we can use ChatGPT to create content loved by both search engines and human readers.

Let’s find out!

First thing first…

What makes any content unique, and why is it important?

As a content writer myself, I understand the need to create unique and original content when it comes to capturing audience’s attention and standing out from the crowd.

But what makes our content unique?

Well, it goes beyond just avoiding plagiarism. From my experience, I can conclude that true uniqueness comes from distinct voices, ideas, and perspective.

But it’s not enough to just be different; our content must also address the intent of our audience. By understanding their needs, we can tailor our content to provide genuine value and address their specific pain points.

Unique and intent-based content is relevant, trustworthy, and stands out from the noise. Remember, uniqueness lies in combining our authentic voice, original ideas, and meeting the needs of the audience.

Now, to understand whether generative AI tools like ChatGPT can really help create unique content, let’s first know how ChatGPT generates content.

So, how does ChatGPT generate content?

ChatGPT generates content through a combination of algorithms and a deep learning technique called Transformer architecture. It analyzes patterns in a vast dataset from diverse sources like eBooks, websites, articles, etc., and learns to predict and generate coherent responses. The training process involves exposing the model to extensive text, enabling it to grasp grammar, vocabulary, and context.

As a result, ChatGPT becomes a virtual assistant that can produce text resembling a human-like conversation.

Limitations of ChatGPT in creating unique content?

While ChatGPT’s AI language model is incredibly advanced, it’s not infallible. Here are a few of its limitations and biases that I experienced:

  • The challenge of context: It might struggle with understanding nuanced contexts and generate content that doesn’t align with the intended message.
  • Biases in training data: AI models learn from vast data sets, which can inadvertently include biases in the text. This can lead to biased or skewed outputs that need careful consideration.
  • Lack of human experiences: It lacks real-life experiences, emotions, and personal perspectives, which can result in a lack of depth and authenticity in the content it generates.
  • Over-reliance on prompts: The quality of the output heavily depends on the quality of the prompts. Insufficient or ambiguous prompts result in less satisfactory outputs.
  • Outdated datasets: It lacks awareness of the latest context and developments beyond 2019. This can hinder its ability to provide up-to-date and accurate information, making it necessary to verify and supplement its responses with current sources.

Caveat for Writers

Potential long-term detriment to our writing skills: Relying solely on the AI model can lead to neglecting the practice and development of our own writing abilities, which are essential for personal growth and developing a unique voice.

Benefits and considerations of using ChatGPT in content creation


ChatGPT offers direct benefits like:

  • Saves time and increases productivity: It acts as our brainstorming partner, quickly generating a number of fresh ideas and saving hours of research and deliberation.
  • Overcomes writer’s block: Itprovides invaluable assistance by offering new perspectives and nudging our imagination in the right direction.
  • Boosts efficiency: Itcan streamline our content creation workflow, which allows us to devote more time to refining and polishing our ideas instead of getting stuck in the ideation phase.
  • Improves productivity: Lets us create more content in less time. It can become our trusted collaborator, empowering us to meet deadlines and exceed expectations.


While ChatGPT offers a wealth of possibilities, it cannot replace the unique voice and perspectives that only we writers can bring. Here are a few considerations to remember before generating content with ChatGPT:

  • Quality assurance: Check for content quality and facts. Eliminate any errors or inconsistencies.
  • Personalization: Inject personal touch to the content to add authenticity and resonate with the audiences on a deeper level, fostering engagement and connection.
  • Human creativity: AI-generated drafts can serve as a starting point, but it’s the human touch that adds flair, innovation, and twists.
  • Avoiding homogeneity: By injecting unique perspectives, break away from the risk of producing cookie-cutter content that lacks originality.
  • Tailored messaging: Understand the nuances of the target audience, adapting tone, language, and cultural references to create a personalized experience.

How to use ChatGPT to create unique content?

Today, there are multiple contents out there that give us prompts to use ChatGPT for content creation. For sure, you must have read a few as well.

But are they really worth it? 

Let’s talk facts!

Let’s look at an example here, where we try to decode how ChatGPT can help us create better and more sophisticated content for our audience.

So, let’s try and generate content using ChatGPT on “How to create unique content for SEO?”

Version 1 prompt: Write a 100 word article on the topic: How to create unique content for SEO?

The result:

Version 1

Now let’s try a more advanced prompt.

Version 2 prompt: Imagine you are a content writing expert. Write an opinionated 100 word article on the topic: How to create unique content for SEO?

The result:

Version 2

Similarly, you can use other prompts like:

“Write a blog post on the topic: How to create unique content for SEO? Write it in a professional tone. Use transition words. Write over 100 words. Include the following keywords: SEO, content.”


“Write a 100-word blog post about: How to create unique content for SEO. Include the following keywords in the headline, subheading, and body paragraphs. Keywords: SEO, content.”

These prompt engineering techniques above can help you create better content, but the question still remains: Is the content unique?

Now let’s try to edit the content with human touch, adding a flair of facts, figures, and creativity.

Version 3

Did you know that high-quality, relevant content is Google’s top ranking factor? Also, according to Hubspot’s State of Marketing 2023 reveals, 83% of marketers believe creating higher quality content is more effective. Therefore, to rank high on the SERPs and stand out from the crowd, you need to break free from the generic cookie-cutter approaches. Inject your own writing style with personality, offering a new perspective that focuses on solving the audience’s challenges. Moreover, studies show that engaging content with a conversational tone boosts reader interaction. Dive deep into your niche, unearthing untapped insights that others often overlook. Don’t shy away from taking risks or pushing boundaries; true uniqueness lies there.

The Analysis

Version 1 vs Version 2

Here are a few findings I can conclude from the results:

  1. Opinionated approach: While Version 1 lacks a clear perspective, making it more generic, Version 2 takes an opinionated stance, adding a distinct flavor and engaging readers.
  2. Challenging prevailing notions: Version 2 encourages readers to question established ideas and think critically. This approach sparks curiosity and promotes active engagement, unlike Version 1, which simply provides tips without challenging existing norms.
  3. Personality and uniqueness: Version 2 emphasizes injecting personality into writing, giving it a human touch and making it more relatable and resonating on a deeper level. In contrast, Version 2 lacks a personal touch, making it feel more mechanical and generic.
  4. Conversational tone: Version 2 adopts a more conversational tone that fosters a connection with the readers. This approach makes it more approachable and enjoyable to read. While, Version 1 lacks a conversational element, making it dry and impersonal.
  5. Risk-taking and boundary-pushing: While Version 1 lacks the emphasis on the importance of experimentation and risk-taking, potentially leading to safer, less impactful content, Version 2 encourages taking risks and pushing boundaries to achieve uniqueness. This mindset drives innovation and helps content creators think outside the box. 

Version 3 vs Version 1 and 2

  1. Statistical evidence: Version 3 incorporates statistics like Google’s top ranking factor and the belief of 83% of marketers, adding credibility and factual support to the content.
  2. Industry insights: Version 3 references Hubspot’s State of Marketing report, demonstrating up-to-date knowledge and incorporating relevant industry insights.
  3. Problem-solving focus: Version 3 highlights the importance of offering solutions to the audience’s challenges, aligning the content with their needs, and increasing its value.
  4. Reader interaction: Version 3 mentions the boost in reader interaction that comes with a conversational tone, reinforcing the importance of engaging with the audience.
  5. Attention-grabbing introduction: Version 3 starts with a question, immediately capturing the reader’s attention and setting a tone of curiosity and intrigue.

Final Thoughts

While ChatGPT is good at generating ideas, it lacks the human touch necessary for infusing authenticity and originality into the content. Crafting unique content demands human input and creativity, which ChatGPT lacks.

Imagine multiple content writers relying heavily on ChatGPT to create content on a popular topic. The result? An abundance of similar, generic articles flooding the digital landscape. To stand out, it’s crucial to include personal style and authenticity.

Human input and creativity are key in refining and customizing the ChatGPT-generated content. By leveraging unique perspectives, you can tailor the drafts, writing them with your personal style and voice. This collaboration between your own creativity and machines like ChatGPT enables the creation of content that resonates with your target audience and captures their attention.

About ALPS

ALPS is a leading enterprise SEO platform that transforms how enterprises do their organic marketing. ALPS is built to solve critical SEO challenges like unpredictability, complexity, and high time to results with data-driven insights and the ability to predict the performance impact before committing to changes. ALPS is powered by sophisticated AI technology that reverse engineers Google’s algorithm to make SEO more agile, efficient, and predictable for enterprises. Additionally, ALPS offers dedicated client support and service packs designed to fill competency gaps in any SEO team.