Today, we live in the era of content. Therefore, all web searches are saturated with results, and readers everywhere are just bombarded with content.

However, the quality of those content pieces is often questionable. Therefore, to stand apart from your competitors and rank high on Google SERPs, you must create content that is far superior.

Now, to create a successful content piece, you must establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche and not just stick to a random content calendar schedule. Along with the excellent and unique content, there is a need to dig deeper to create “10x Content” to achieve SEO and content optimization goals.

Because of this, it is more critical now than ever to make sure that your content stands out in the sea of high-quality content in the digital world.

“But how?” Simply put, by creating “10x content.”

This post will discuss the best practices you must keep in mind to create high-performing 10X content in 2023.

What is 10X Content

10X content is any content that is 10 times better than any content currently occupying the top position on the SERPs for any given keyword phrase or topic. 

The concept of 10X content was introduced by the CEO and co-founder of SEOmoz, Rand Fishkin, at the MozCon Whiteboard Friday video episode  way back in 2015 .

Why is it important to write 10X content?

The concept of 10x content is crucial because it enables content creators to focus on the quality of the content and reader experience instead of just SEO. Over the years, Google’s algorithms have evolved to focus on the web page’s overall value instead of just keywords and backlinking strategies.

When you focus on the 10x content strategy, your purpose goes beyond just ranking and focuses on creating content that’s objectively way better than what’s already out there on the internet. This way, you’re presenting better quality content to your readers, and the audience starts treating you as an Authority on the topic and trust your knowledge around a topic or niche.

which will create a positive impression of your business and encourage them to return to your site in the future.

Why Does 10x Content Work Well?

  • All content publishers are vying for the top rank on Google SERPs. A significantly better content (10X content) enhances your chances to rank.
  • For any high-quality content (in this case it is the 10X content) that is already ranking high on Google SERP, helps get the backlinks organically and build authority for your domain.
  • You must create much better content — something that’s 10 times better — to demonstrate your expertise and to be trusted as an SME.

Pillars of 10X content

Trustworthy, Authoritative, High Quality, Valuable Writing

A 10x content piece must be high-quality, authoritative, trustworthy, and valuable. These must be backed by in-depth research, high-quality backlinks, and easy readability.

Uniqueness in Approach

You must ensure that your 10x content is unique in its approach, in addition to being high quality, authoritative, trustworthy, and valuable. In reality, it is not enough to just possess those things: content must go above and beyond that. This implies presenting it in a new way, answering all unanswered questions, or simply writing empathetically, allowing you to put yourself into your readers’ shoes.

Positive User Experience

Remember that 10x content must deliver a uniquely positive user experience to the users. This necessitates everything from your website’s design, fonts, and patterns. The content might be king, but the interface and user experience are definitely important.

Prompts Emotional Responses

To be considered 10x content, your content piece must prompt an emotional response from the reader. This response can vary depending on your piece but must be authentic, real, and immediate. This is a must because readers are overloaded with content daily, and they will only remember the pieces they can relate to emotionally.

Solves Problems

All high-quality content resolves a problem or answers a query for the reader, and 10x content is not different. Therefore, your 10X content must provide value to the readers by answering queries and delivering information in an easily digestible manner.

Quick to Load

What happens if any great content takes forever to load? That’s a no-brainer that it won’t be called 10X content. In order to qualify your content for the 10x title, your piece must load quickly, irrespective of device or browser. This ensures an improved user experience and provides more effortless interaction with the website.

Attracts Shares

To be considered 10x Content, a piece must attract shares on social media platforms or through links and mentions by other websites. However, to earn those links, shares, and mentions, a piece must be informative, valuable, and engaging to the readers.

Best Practices for Creating 10x Content in 2023

Make sure your content is valuable, easy-to-follow, interesting, and keeps people hooked

In today’s online world, first impressions are everything. Therefore, you only have seconds to entice the reader’s attention, and your webpage must look attractive and well-written.

To do this, we recommend looking at what your top-ranking competitors are doing on their web pages and understanding how you can improve your website’s design and functionality.

Your website must be easy to use and not just look good. Your content should include compelling headings, short paragraphs, and bullet points to ensure your audience can quickly skim through your content. Also, make sure you add images or graphics to break up the text and make sure your users can easily navigate to other sections of your website without confusion.

Make it authoritative  and follow your niche

Brand voice and authority are the key considerations when creating 10x content. Audiences want to ensure they get their information from qualified, reliable, and trusted sources.

We recommend you add a writer’s bio to demonstrate authority in your content. You can also include your personal experience with the subject matter in your content.

Another great way to demonstrate authority is by adding statistical data and information from research papers.

Make it unique

As the online world is already so saturated with high-quality content, it may sometimes feel like everything has already been written on a topic you’re targeting.

While it might seem irresistible to repurpose the content already there, try creating your own unique angle instead.

Go beyond just “content”

Though creating high-quality content is the most critical piece of the puzzle, that doesn’t mean you should negate the other aspects of your SEO strategy. Why? Because even the most excellent content in the world might not rank well without a powerful backlinking strategy. 

You can use ALPS’ backlink audit feature to help you evaluate the backlinks of your high-ranking competitors to figure out what you’re up against.

However, because your 10x content is already created with quality in mind, you’ll naturally earn backlinks once your content ranks. Making use of a 10x content strategy will help you gain backlinks quickly, as other creators are more likely to link to high-quality content. 

Remember that your audience is humans with agendas and queries of their own. Therefore, if they’re taking the time to go through your content, it’s reasonable to deliver them with the real value they can’t get anywhere else.

Final Thoughts

If creating 10x content was easy, everyone would go out and just do it. You need to put in a lot of hard work to understand what is useful to your target audience and understand what’s going to be better than what is already available online. However, you may fail many times, but trying out new approaches and ideas is the only way to find new ways of adding value for your audience.

In this article, we have tried to help you with that by collating a few best practices in 2023 that you can use to create compelling 10X content on any topic and achieve high ranks on Google.